General tips for finding and applying for a graduate job in the Bangladesh


Every day hundred of vacancies are announced in newspaper and job sites, which shows the evidence of growing job market in Bangladesh. But it also true that there has huge competition for that and all of them are not the desirable job. In this competitive market it is not easy to find the right job and prove yourself in front of employer. But it is not impossible too, you just need to be smart, confident and have to have can do attitude that can make you the right person for your dream job.

Here are some tips which might help you to be a successful candidate:

Cover letter:

Cover letter is the first step to communicate with your potential employer and an opportunity to show your interest to work with the company. It is the chance to tell them, why you are qualified and what makes you the right person for the position and to convince them to analyze your resume and call you for the next step.


Standard cover letter shouldn’t be more than one page.

Keep your letter short but still informative.

State clearly that you understand the job description.

Mention your skill and academic background that match the job requirement

Remember you are selling your skill so tell them how they will benefit from your skill

Use professional, simple and convincing language,

Check spelling and grammar.



The Company’s address 


Dear Sir/Madam 




Yours Sincerely 

Name and Signature

Cover letter content:

In initial paragraph write why you are writing, mention the position you are applying for and the source from where you learned about the vacancy.

The second paragraph, write about your skill, education, experience and your qualifications which are relevant for that position.

Third paragraph briefly describe why you are the right person for that position and how they will be benefited from you.

The concluding paragraph shows your interest for that role and tells them you would be looking forward for an interview.

Conclude cover letter with your sincerely






Useful sites for more tips:



Resume is the written description of a person’s skill, educational qualification and experience to inform the ability and potentiality to the employer. So it is very important to make your resume in organized and presentable way.

Here some tips to write Resume:

Resume should be simple and convincing

Informative and presentable

A clear career objective

Mention relevant skill, qualification and experience

All the information should be true and correct l;

A little creativity can make you different include if you have any volunteer work experience or you might work in a team during your university what was your role try to relate that with the job requirements.

Read the job announcement carefully and customise your CV according to the job requirements

Avoid unnecessary and irrelevant information

Present your information in an organized way you can use headings to describe your information, such as:


Educational background



Personal Information 

Careful about grammatical and spelling mistake which may create a negative impression


Useful sites for Resume:

Sample CV


Is a face to face recruitment process through meeting organized by the employer to check the candidates skill in refers to their resume and their personality, interest and problem solving capabilities for the required position. It is also an opportunity for the candidate to show the employer that he/she is the right person for the applied position.

Tips for interview:

Do your research on the company to know some general information about the company for example company’s business, their current position in the market, person in charge, what make them different from their competitors etc.

Prepare your answer and practice it for some common and possible question such as about yourself, your strength and weakness, your interest and objective etc.

Read the job description for the position you have applied that will present you as a strong candidate and sincere about the job.

Be prepared to discuss about your resume for example your education, computer literacy, or any other skill you may have.

Appear confident and professional, dress professionally avoid strong perfume, excess jewellery.

Know the location of the interview and arrive on time because lateness can make you nervous.

Focus on interview and listen carefully

Stay calm, speak clearly and smile, a good preparation for interview can be helpful to control your stress during interview.

Make eye contact

Ask some question about the company and position and the main objectives and responsibilities for that position etc. to show your interest for that position.

Salary expectation, get some idea what current market is offering for that position depend on the company’s size.


You can find more tips in the following links:

Useful job sites:


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