Global Growth Markets Back to results

Company Overview

Global Growth Markets is a healthcare market information provider helping international companies succeed in their chosen growth markets. We believe accurate intelligence gives you the edge in your target markets. Our clients benefit from reliable statistics, forecasts and insights, personal client service, reduced risk, and above all, the confidence to succeed in global growth markets. Based in the UK and Singapore, we work with our specialist research consultants around the world and a carefully selected Advisory Panel to produce accurate market data and reliable insights in China, Southeast Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and other world regions.

What attributes do you look for when recruiting graduates?

In our industry a company’s success is intrinsically linked with its people and their sense of purpose. So we look for people who really fit our culture, not just fill a gap. Our people have a passion for healthcare, are highly client-centric, and embrace the pursuit-of-excellence theme that runs through everything we do.

Global Growth Markets

Singapore City SINGAPORE


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