Legal & General Back to results

Company Overview

At Legal & General, we’re building a better society, improving the lives of our customers and creating value for our shareholders. We invest today’s money, such as pension funds, into tomorrow’s assets: investments which will not only pay a return in the very long term, but will also contribute to a better economic future. It’s what we call inclusive capitalism, and it’s what motivates everything we do.

About Future Talent

As a company, we’re diverse by our very nature. We’re on a mission to change society for the better: investing in the economy to create a better future.

One of the ways we do that is by investing in our own next generation: the experts and leaders of tomorrow. We offer a range of exciting options for those embarking on a career that’s anything but familiar: from summer internships and industrial placements, all of them a good first step towards a place on an apprenticeship or graduate programme.

We typically recruit for our programmes from October to February. However, we would love to keep in touch, so if there are no roles currently available, you can still register for our alerts and we will notify you as soon as any opportunities become available.

Legal & General


Our Latest Jobs

  • Location :

    (UK) and London

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    Functional Area/Experience :

    IT / Fresh Graduate

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  • Location :

    (UK) and Cardiff

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    Functional Area/Experience :

    Marketing, advertising and PR / Fresh Graduate

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  • Location :

    (UK) and London

    Job Reference :


    Functional Area/Experience :

    Construction/property / Fresh Graduate

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