
  • Job Title

    PR Internship
  • Company

    Frank PR
  • Country

  • Subject Studied

  • University

    Brunel University
  • Job Sector

    Business, Accounting & Finance


My internship at Frank PR involves working in three departments i.e Corporate PR, Consumer PR and Social Media Management. I assist in pitching to the journalists, influencers, content creation on social media of respective clients. 

What do you most like about your job?

I like Brainstorming for clients.  This is the part where all the employees get together and talk the solutions out for the clients. This challenges my capability to think creatively and be a problem-solver.

How did your university course help you to get this job?

The university course gave me a practical idea about how the things work in Public Relations field. We had Brainstorming sessions and writing tasks of Press Releases and email pitching. The professors encouraged us to go and network with the  professionals working in the city. We received a free membership of a year with PRCA (The Public Relations and Communications Association), the world’s largest professional PR body. Yes, this membership was sponsored by the University. It was really helpful to connect   with the working professionals and understand more about how things work in Public Relations.

What key advice would you give to current international students looking to start a career in the UK?

I would say that you should be patient in the Job Search. Always find ways to polish your skills and make yourself efficient. I completely agree that job-market is really competitive. However, if you focus on your goal, you will achieve it. For starters, always try to add relevant experience to your CV. Do as many Internships and Volunteer work as possible whilst studying.

Ask your professor’s help as much as possible.  Use the facilities provided by the Uni to the fullest. Put ourselves out there as much as possible. Networking can never go wrong. And if you think you are not suitable for an entry-level job right away, do internships and work experience and add weight to your resume. There is no shame in that. It is being smart and practical. That is what I am doing right now. I freelance for an agency called Parle PR ( Real Estate, Luxury and Lifestyle ). I have been freelancing for them for about 7 months now. And recently started my internship with Frank PR.

I wish everyone all the luck. And in difficult situations, I always remind myself that, The only people who made it in life, are the ones who never gave up.


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