Go-CV! enables you to build your own CV for keeps - and then, as and when you′re ready, send it out directly to our GradLink employers across the globe.
There are 3 easy steps to building your CV (including filling in your education, work experience, language details etc.) and when it′s ready and you’re happy –
It’s a simply case of Go-CV!
You can pass your CV on to all our GradLink employers – or just select the types of vacancies you would like to be considered for. Interested employers can then contact you.
Once you have produced a CV, you can edit the details as often as you like. You can let employers see your CV (Go-CV!), or withhold/call your CV back (Stop-CV!) whenever you want.
Go-CV! is a fully secure site and is password protected (see our data protection policy)
Should you want to remove your details completely, just email us at enquiries@gradlinkuk.com, and we will remove your CV details completely within 5 working days.
Please confirm If you want to unregister
You have been unregistered from gradlink